Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Chasing my tail

As probably everyone who reads this knows, I'm pretty crap at keeping in contact and I really wanted to try with the blog to keep you all up to date with the comes and goings in Houston.  At the moment I feel like I need to do a little chasing my tail to keep you up to date on whats occurring this side of the pond.

Once Vicky left, sob sob, I have spent some time getting the flat up together and I almost have everything now!
My last trip to Walmart for those essentials like a hoover and a table (which is still in pieces on my front room floor as I do not have a screw driver!)
This weekend I caught up with an old friend Meghan and her boyfriend.  I knew her from my days studying in Denmark and it was odd to think the last time we saw each other was about 7 years ago.  We indulged in some local beers and some random Rock'n'Roll karaoke to top off the night.  Sunday was spend remembering that I cannot really drink the same amount I could do 7 years ago without feeling the effects pretty hard the next day!  My salvation was watching the series Once Upon A Time....awesome!

Work has continued to be quite intense, with the middle of my first projects fast approaching I am feeling the stress.  But this stress is something quite different from PhD stress.  Once I can work out the finer details as to why that is, I might blog about it! I did my first presentation to some of the other researchers in the lab and I actually felt it didn't go too badly (my fear of public speaking I think is pretty well known!).  Hopefully with all the practice I will be getting I will get better at it!

I have met some more interns and we have our first Unofficial happy hour tomorrow night, which should be fun.  Then on Friday I have a ticket to watch the Baseball which will be awesome- Vicky I can finally find out what a corndog is for you!  Also went to see This is the End with one of them last night, very amusing comedy and I would recommend it.  I think its more of an American humour thing (there was so much laughing in it) but I did enjoy certain parts of it a lot more than I thought I would.

Also, I have recently blogged for betweenarock and if you don't read that blog...mmm why not?! Head over there now and enjoy some science blogging joy. And to top it all off I christened my oven with its first baked product tonight, once I've tried it I will put a little bit about it on here.

Finally, my sister Vicky (yep there are two special ladies in my life called Vicky) sent me my birthday present early...she knows me so well. :)

TARDIS fairy amazing!
Done! Think you are all caught up.  Maybe at the weekend I will get the chance to tell you about my brownies and what it is like to go to a baseball game, watch this space!

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