Thursday 11 July 2013

I am connected!

After a long and tedious conversation with yet another service company, I finally have wi-fi at home.  I can not express how brilliant this feels to finally be connected without have to walk to another part of the building to steal free wifi or pop into the computer suite (yes this apartment complex has a computer suite, along with a gym and a number of swimming pools).  So I thought I would catch you guys up on what has been going down since I last blogged.

Basically LOTS has happened so to make it easier for you guys I thought I would split it up into separate blogs so you can pick and choose what you read about.  The selection I have for your reading pleasure is as follows:

To give you all an insight into what is happening right this moment.  I am sat on the balcony of my flat, in a camp chair watching the sun set over the building opposite, eating sushi for dinner and drinking a nice big Gin and bitter lemon...bliss!

To follow at the weekend is the 411 on what Vicky and I got up to in San Antonio, was pretty cool to say the least.

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