Thursday 3 January 2013

Red Velvet Cupcakes

The 1st of January should be a time for lie ins, hangover, ridiculously grand and never obtainable resolutions and tidying up from the night before.  However, for one of my lovely friends its time to celebrate some more (hair of the dog all round) as its her BIRTHDAY.  And every birthday needs, not matter which day of the year it is on, a CAKE!  This is always my favourite excuse to bake.

So my wonderful friend is an adventurous old soul and this gives me license to go wild with the cake.  Last year I tried cake pops with a limited amount of success, although I did discover that if you add enough glitter to something it always looks beautiful.  This year I decided that I wanted to do something bold, something bright and something yummy and Red Velvet Cupcakes sprang to mind.  I have never made them before and always wanted to.  They are a pretty stunning cake especially when you use a cream cheese icing.  I used the Hummingbird cake days recipe for these cupcakes and they were really fun to make.

You add so much red colouring, I was quite surprised when I almost run out of food colouring.

And the finished product! Yummy yummy.

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