Monday 24 June 2013

Back to blogging!

Hello blogosphere,

At the beginning of the year I had such high hopes with my blogging, but sadly life took over and I stopped talking in a huge amount of detail about my baking online.  Sad times.  But I have been lucky enough to be involved in another AMAZING blog called BetweenARock.  If you have not checked it out here is a link and I urge you to get on there and read some fun things about science and PhD life.  Its been great blogging with these guys, such media moguls!  Through my increased interactions with the world of social media, I have discovered a love for Twitter (shameless plug coming up) and would love it if you wanted to follow me on there are well! @Cooper_KT go on, follow me!

SO...why have I started up blogging on here again?

Well, it is because I am living in Houston, Texas, USA for the next few months and I thought that it would be the best way to keep you all up to date about my adventures.  I will try my hardest to give you the lowdown on how an English girl finds the strange ways of the USA and keep you up to date on the levels of sweating I am reaching (currently, I would say the sweat levels were similar to running up one flight of stairs).  Apart from that there might be the odd cross post about science from BetweenARock and definitely lots of pictures!  I hope you enjoy!

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