Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Tomorrow is the beginning...

After waiting around, biding my time with important stuff (house hunting and eating cupcakes both constitute important stuff!), tomorrow I start work officially.  I'm very excited and yet quite nervous at the same time as its been a long time such I have worked and even longer since I have started somewhere new.  Bristol University has been my home for so long, I know the corridors (and dread the social awkwardness they bring) and people pretty well.  Now it's a whole new set of people and corridors but hopefully less social awkwardness!  Who knows what my new "office policies" maybe?!

Today I had a quick lunch in the cafetiere at the offices and managed to see some friendly faces of people I have met from the company over the years.  It set my mind at ease a little and it was just good to feel like I already knew some people.  However, I did have a tour of some of the offices and saw the endless corridors. As I am not known for my sense of direction feel like I might get quite lost.

Oh well, better run off now and sort out the deposit for my apartment and sort out my sewing up my work skirt (it got ripped) and get myself prepared for tomorrow-Wish me luck!

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