Tuesday 25 June 2013

Cupcake delight

I've managed to walk about the supermarkets here and so far being very health. Lots of fruit and veg and no diary or gluten, very healthy.

Check out my mini aubergines!

But I knew this wouldn't last. With so much temptation everywhere I had to cave. And what better way to cave then with a cupcake. So with this in mind I went on the hunt, and found a peanut butter chocolate cupcake with a mini Reece's cup on the top. For those who know me well they know I LOVE Reece's cups so knew this was the cake for me.

It was worth breaking my good behaviour for. Tonnes of icing and lovely crumb (thank you Mary Berry for teaching me the joy of saying something had a lovely crumb). I will leave you with this image, it's enough to make your mouth water!

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